sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2017

Nuestros Consejos son Regalos de Navidad para los Arrecifes del Mundo

Un cordial saludo de GRATITUD a todos uds nuestro amables seguidores en estas fechas importantes para que todos reflexionemos sobre lo que logramos en este año: Protegimos #VaraderoColombia De los Planes que se tenían de dinamitar en 2017 #CoralesBahiaCartagena Colaboramos con organizaciones nacionales #SalvemosVaradero e internacionales Society for Conservation Biology
#ICCB2017 Development Policy and Analysis Division of UN-DESA #OceanAction14819 #DOALOS UN SDG Action Campaign

Planeamos participar activamente en #IYOR2018 Nuestro Regalo son nuestros trasnparentes consejos para mejorar la efectividad de la Conservación #Arrecifes #CoralReefs
Invita a tus amigos a que nos sigan por

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

Happy #ReefDay #DíaNacionalDelArrecife

Since 2008 during the #IYOR, I invited the Colombian Government to
join ICRI and follow the International Calls for Action. The Colombian
Government Celebrated with us in Cartagena the first December 5th of
2008. Today we keep celebrating every year as it is the last day of
the #MonthOfTheReef2017 #MesDelArrecife2017

Please join us in the optimistic celebration that we have 97% of our
coral reefs protected and the remaining 3% is under consideration to
be included within a protection framework by INVEMAR and the National
Parks Authority.

All are invited to participate in the contest for the Golden Seahorse
with your photos and videos related to coral reefs. Post them on the
social media with the hashtags of the subject #MonthOfTheReef2017

There is a third category for free style expression (Written,
sketches, photos and videos) to allow scientists and artists

Please also vote (RT, Share, LIKE the ones you like the most).
Deadline to VOTE #ReefDay2017 5th of December 2017 4:44pm Colombian time

Many thanks for following us at Facebook.com/ICRI.Colombia/
Observatorio Pro ArrecifesCoral
Twitter:Español @ArrecifesCoral  / English @ICRIcolombia

Cordial saludo,

Nohora Galvis

Directora Observatorio Pro Arrecifes
Fundación ICRI Colombia
Coordinadora Red Internacional de Observadores Voluntarios del Arrecife


Twitter @ArrecifesCoral e @ICRIcolombia